Assalammualaikum.. As I was in the blog-walking mode, I noticed that most of them are only 15 and yes, they are nervous thinking of their big day .. And I couldn't help but to notice that most of them are still miserable thinking of which route they should choose, either the famous science stream or the so-so art stream.. Why did I say famous or so-so?
Simply because, in Malaysia, science stream is well-known to be taken by only the good student but art stream are for the lower grade student.. This is an undeniable myths and people always say, taking science stream means you had a lot more of choices in career path..
Simply because, in Malaysia, science stream is well-known to be taken by only the good student but art stream are for the lower grade student.. This is an undeniable myths and people always say, taking science stream means you had a lot more of choices in career path..
My dear, let me tell you one facts.. Either science or arts stream, both of them have their own abilities.. What is the use of being in science stream but you don't even love remembering all science facts? What is the use of taking accountancy but you hate calculation? Why would you choose something that you don't even have your interest in? Know your abilities, and know your interest and only by then, you would enjoy the subject..
Imagine yourself taking something that is not even your interest, you would struggle yourself just to cope with something that is not your major area,.. Sometimes, you could be motivated and perhaps, you might end up just hate it.. Imagine if you failed coping with it, and your results are not satisfying as you wanted it to be, you may end up having lesser career path to be chosen..What if you don't even know your interest or ability yet? Pick the one with lesser stressful subject..
Allow me to tell you a story, of my self during choosing the path.. I was one of the all A's student at my school for PMR and during that time, my mind was set that I would have to be in arts stream.. It's simply because my parents had been brainwashing me since I was a kid, that I would be an accountant.. When my counseling teacher knew my decision, she decided to set up a science class, with accountancy subject, hoping that I would still be in the science stream but, I rejected it.. Why..?
Allow me to tell you a story, of my self during choosing the path.. I was one of the all A's student at my school for PMR and during that time, my mind was set that I would have to be in arts stream.. It's simply because my parents had been brainwashing me since I was a kid, that I would be an accountant.. When my counseling teacher knew my decision, she decided to set up a science class, with accountancy subject, hoping that I would still be in the science stream but, I rejected it.. Why..?
Because I'm not into Science and if I decided to accept it, I would have to cope with Accountancy, Add Maths, Biology, Physics and Chemistry..! I'm not the type yang rajin study, so taking these subjects would be a bad idea.. For the Biology, you need to memorize a lot of facts, with physics & chemistry which I would need to memorize lots of formula and experiments.. It's a total no-no for me.. I don't even know my interest level for accountancy so stressing on other subject was not a good idea.. In the end, I just stick with my decision to be in arts stream and yes, I did not regret a bit... It was more relaxing for me and in fact, I enjoyed it..
If career paths that are playing in your mind, if you did your research, arts stream had lots of qualifying jobs that had been listed.. No matter which path you have chosen, as long as you perform yourself well, you could have the best career in your life.. There's no matter if you're in science or arts stream, as long as you had the ability and interest, enjoying the lesson, your best future is waiting ahead.. !
Goodluck adik-adik for your PT3 results..! Insya-Allah everything would be fine.. ^^
i cant believe u made a post for this ã… ã… thank u this helps me a lot <3 ill spread it out to my fellow friends :) thank u so much!!
ReplyDeleteNo problem.. Hope it helps.. :D
DeleteYou're so true. We kept saying that science stream was the best for us. But it wasn't really. If you're not into them, you can't do your best. Sometimes, I have a thought to change to art stream after all those stressful days of school. But at the same time, I think I should just keep going. There's a reason why I'm into this stream though and I believe I can do my best. :D
ReplyDeleteThanks for making an inspiring post. You make me feel stronger after my bad days. ><
You're welcome.. Glad I could inspire you.. :D
DeleteMaybe because I was a science stream student but I would rather recommend people to take Science stream class.
ReplyDeleteWhen we were young we had no idea what we want to be in the future and even if we do have a career that we have our eyes set on, our mind changes often so I'll say it is better to take Science stream because you can change course to social sciences; arts, econs etc but non science stream students could not venture into science based degree like medic and engine.
Well, you can if you go to private unis but it'll be hard (no basic knowledge etc)
Well, maybe that's why good grades student gets the priority for science stream and I didn't say that which one is the best... It's just that people are scared to pick arts stream, simply because it has lesser occupation.. So here I am, pointing out that nothing will goes well without interest.. and changing courses won't be easy in either way.. Not all people could do accounting and not all people able to cope with the managements.. So which is why, interests is the priority among all..
Deletepoint taken :)
DeleteI also don't like how malaysians in general kinda look down on people who choose arts stream while overhyping the science stream.
While it is important to follow your passion and interests, sometimes it best to be realistic. How many people in the world actually do a job or work relates to their passion? The number is very low.
btw, it's nice to have this kind of discussion. you should do more posts like this :)
Nurul Rasya I Blog
I'm happy that we could have this kind of conversation.. Well, I have some of other points but maybe will be sharing it on other post.. XD
Deletei wished i choose art stream because i really into arts. T^T but i hate numbers and calculations (accountancy) . even in science stream, i'm so bad with add maths and drop the subject and took visual art as replacement. hahahahaha. but i do love biology though. :) and i totally don't regret my decision to stay in science stream because learning is fun. :D
ReplyDeleteHahah.. Well at least you had fun kan.. I always felt I need something that I loved so that I won't regret.. xD
ReplyDeleteOk to talk about what to choose for stream path during form 4 is always confusing. Even gotten good results for pmr but I always wanted to be in art stream but the mentality and perspection at that time don't make me to stick with my decision. But It's okay cus I always believe that everything have a positive side. So here I am stucked in engineering school but am enjoying it so far :)
ReplyDeleteIt is confusing as it's the matter of your future.. Once you made your choice, never regret it..xD
ReplyDeletegood advice!
Thank you sis.. :D
DeleteScience student was popular in the school during my time. That's the reason why most of the student desperately want to be in science stream classes eventhough they r not capable to take those extreme subjects. At the end, the SPM results was like......
ReplyDeleteP/s: I got C in science for my PMR. So i was not qualified for science stream. Hehe. But I was struggled to score for science sub in SPM.
Well, not everyone could cope with science.. I had trouble with it, simply because I'm a playful student.. But luckily I managed to score an A during SPM.. xD
DeleteAgreed! Mana2 pun ok asalkan diri selesa 😊
ReplyDeleteYes.. :D
DeleteJap2, gambar tu lukis sendiri ke apa? Dayummmmm why so lawa nih.. semua benda nak lawa nih kenapa? :'(
ReplyDelete//komen tak sesuai dengan topic hahahah
Jap.. Gamba tu lukis sendiri.. Hasil pakcik google.. hahahahahah.. Sume gamba google la mer..