I've been meaning to write this since last Friday but I had been procrastinating a lot..! Well, I was fully occupied for the past few weeks; preparing myself for degree and I had just settled down with the registration, only by last week.. Alhamdulillah, everything went well so far and since my class might only start by this Monday,I should not delay myself even more and start writing instead..!
Blissful January was actually a dedication post for things that I should be grateful for..There are times I had been comparing life with other people, and sometimes, there's an evil feeling of dissatisfied with my life.. Well, it only ended recently when a friend of mine updated her Whatsapp's status with things she should be grateful for the day and I was thinking, why not..?
So, here's some stuff that I should be grateful for January 2018:
homemade cheesecake and bihun sup tulang by sissy..😍 |
The first thing that I should be grateful for is that I still have "Ibu" in my possession... Well, I'm not her best daughter, I did rebel her instructions here and there but no matter what happened between us, she would always be my priority, besides papa.. To appreciate her more, my siblings and I planned a surprise party for her and to be honest, we're suck in it.. Papa was too worried that his wife might get moody with the surprise so he almost made everything failed but thankfully, it was still a success.. 🤣
In order to complete my degree registration, I had to undergo a full medical check-up and to be honest, I was completely nervous for it.. I had a bad experience with it in the past, as I could not complete it immediately and I had to come back on the next day to accomplish it again.. Those memory affected my feelings a bit.. There're lots of "what if" in my mind but thankfully, everything went well..! I was afraid that I might inherit my father's diabetes or whatsoever due to my big size but Alhamdulillah, I'm clear from any of it.. I truly hope I will not inherit any of the disease and I'm truly determined to focus on losing weight this time, not for anyone but for my health..!
Officially the fourth year of friendship and living together in one roof..!I thought everything ended right after the convocation as some of us were uncertain either to proceed with bachelor in KUPTM or IPTA but here we are, back to the same place, same house and Insya-Allah, more journey of friendship starts now... I could only hope it lasts longer, and hopefully to the end.. ❤️
- Unending love from my former students
It was only past few days when I was watching the television, and suddenly my phone rang, showing an unknown number.. I picked it up and I was shocked to here cute voices of 3-4 person yelling, "Teacherrrrrr....!"
Hearing their voices managed to put a smile on me and all they had been meaning to say was; "Teacher, kitorang rindu... Teacher kat mana..? Bila teacher nak datang ni..?"
"Soon guys.. Real soon..." 😘
Ps:// I' ve been away for too long but would be doing some blogwalking as soon as possible, just not tonight.. 😅
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