Assalammualaikum.. If you're asking me to describe my 2017's memories in one word, I would say, it's priceless.. I could complain about my studies all the way, but for this community service subject, I would have to admit, it's a subject that I wish that I do not have to participate at all. When the first time I receive the news that we need to do an 8 hours of community service, I was devastated. I mean, we had lots of assignments waiting in line and here you are, pushing us to do something that we don't want to?!😶
We were thinking of a cliché service, like serving the old folks or the orphanage but rejected by our lecturer. She wanted to finish this fast and her suggestion was to do 8 hours program at the mosque but rejected by a few students, claiming that they should just pick Pengurusan Masjid if they want to be in Masjid.. Well, they got their point and somehow, we came out with this double social work; cleaning the mosque in the morning and feeding the homeless at night.
We gathered at Masjid al-Azim, Pandan Mewah at 9 am and it was actually scheduled by the mosque community itself. Well, just in case you're around the corner, you should visit the mosque every Saturday morning since it had it's own morning market, selling lots of food and you could listen to the talks while having your breakfast there.. That's is what we've been doing and turns out, we only did an hour of community service as we were asked to wait for the Ustaz of the day to finish his talk and since it was based on their instruction, we only need to clean the mosque compound.. 😴
To be honest, even it's only an hour of work, my mate and I took a long day nap as a sign we're tired for the day,. We fell asleep at 2 and only woke up at 5,getting ready for the next project, feeding the homeless.. We've promised to meet up at Masjid Negara at 9 but due to our collaborated party of the homeless lateness, they showed up only at 10 pm..
Around 10.30 pm, we started to split up into 2 groups and walked to the Masjid Negara's front square, where most of the male homeless had their nap. We took our time delivering the foods and interviewing them. I manage to approach two guys at the middle age of 20, both of them were talking to each other and one of them was holding a smartphone. A homeless with a smartphone? Well, here' s the truth.
One of the guys came from Sabah, cheated by an agent saying that he could work in Singapore. He's apparently working nearby the Masjid Negara, having a salary of RM2000 but he sent RM1500 to his parents and survived himself sleeping there, not renting any home and surviving with the RM500. His another friend, was a guy from Johor. He used to be one of the best worker but cheated by his boss and his title was replaced by the boss' nephew. The unfairness caused him to stop trusting the company and keep searching for new work. Well, they shared lots of life experience with us and we have to say, some of this homeless could be respected.
With an hour left, we moved to the next location, Jalan Tar and it was the place where my emotions had the biggest conflict. Children at the age of 3-6 years surrounded us, asking for a piggy back and wanted us to play with them. We entertained them for a while before the rain started to pour down heavily but that didn't stop them from being loud. Their parents ignored them and just let them to be around us,
Out of all the children, I could never forget the boy whom quietly hold my shirt from the back and when I turned around, he was smiling looking at the other kids whom was running under the rain. I carried him up, and all he had been doing was sitting on my arm quietly and landed his cheeks on mine while wrapping his small hands around my neck.. And he stayed on my arms for more than 15 minutes.. 😭
I might be not hoping for this before but now, I could never be grateful than this.. I had been thinking a lot about my parents lately, how grateful am I to have a home to stay, a parents whom care and hopefully, a career for my future kids to be proud of
(tak nak kalah ayat tu).. It's a night of humanity and filled with life lesson.. This is one of my 2017 best memories which I would never forget,, Ever..
I had been thinking a lot about you, and I just hope you'll grow up well...
Hopefully we would meet again sooner or later, dear boy.. 😭 |
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