Chapter 30: How's Life?

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


"How's life?"

She paused upon hearing the question... 
How could she answer it? 
Should she give the cliché answer, 

"Life is good..." 
"Life could never be better..."

When she knows that her life could never be perfect.. 
As the matter of fact, everyone's life is imperfect..
So why would people bother asking about other's life,

Life is always a miserable, to everyone.. 
It's always about the ups and down, 
Dealing with the issue and getting messed up.. 
Feeling empty and begging to feed the soul..
But there's happiness in it..
She could be in trouble but she's enjoying her life..
So how could she answer to that question?

"You know what? My life is always a mess and complicated but since you're asking, I would say my life is unique.. How about yours..? Is it in disaster..?"

Instead of asking about other people's life, be polite and ask, "what you're up to..?" It sounds better that way and obviously, sounds smarter too..
written by;
-Flavnesz @ Chapters-


  1. I love to ask that kinda question as well. Let's take it positively because for me it simply means "what are you doing now? Are you still working at that place? have you eaten today? That's just my 2 cents but different people has different views right? I shall respect that hehe.

    1. Yup, well I know people meant it that way but other side of me would always think it other way.. Which is why I don't really prefer when people ask about how's life as I would always want to answer it on other way.. haha..

  2. Aa time mood tk elok memang semak lerr org tny cam tu :) Tapi bile mood ok, mek jawab elok je :)

    1. Dia depends on mood kan Mek kan.. Sbb tu I suggest for a more proper question.. hehe

  3. "How's your life?"

    Kalau masih berdiri dan bernyawa ni, alhamdulillah lah jawapannya.

    1. alhamdulillah macam islamik sikit kan cik mai.. hehe

  4. Bergelut dengan suasana dunia memang payah.Tapi,kita punya Tuhan sebagai tempat bergantung.Serahkan pada Dia.

    Tugas kita,usaha,doa dan tawakal.

  5. I got pretty excited when someone asked me how's life. Feels like they're care for me. Hihi

    Even sometimes I don't have any solid answer to that question. The best answer is okeylaaa~ haha :P

    1. Well as for me, when life is sort off a roller coaster, this would all depends on my mood.. They do asking for a care, but then, the questions somehow sounds wrong at certain time..

  6. Life can be better than others when you appreciate it, for me, my life is my challenge, everyday i would get new challenge. I would not know what is going happen in the future but I will always pray for the better life. Insya-Allah

    1. Amin... I belief everyone's struggling and yet they we're hoping for a better life.. Let's pray for everyone and Insya-Allah, everything is fine.. hehe

  7. Hey, what's up?

    I think I am okay with any questions related to asking how's life. I knew how it feels when there is something going on that we don't really want to share with anyone. But, sometimes, knowing someone is trying to break the ice, I feel kind of relieve to share bits here and there. :)

    Yeayyy, I have a unique as well! :D Seppp

    1. Hey, nothing much.. hahaha..

      Well I know they had a good intention but when everything goes, I won't appreciate that concern.. Kemarahan membutakan hati, people say.. ? huu..

      Yayyyy... Life is unique.. xD

  8. Saya kalau mood baik, saya akan jawab benda yang sama.. Tapi most of the time, bagi jawapan merapu sbb entah la, rasa soalan tu tak kena dgn jiwa.. hehe

  9. my answer always be 'i'm okay and life full of challenges' (depend on who asking) and life is always has its ups and downs, so i try hard to pick something positive in everything although sometimes i'm do torn up. :) live your life! :D

  10. sy akan jawab alhamdulillah ok je ;-)

  11. hidup mcm ni la. kdg ada problem kdg tu hepy kdg tu mcm2 la.. masam manis gituw.. hehe

  12. xreti sgt english ni. tp faham la skit2.. hehe

  13. "how's life?"

    jawapan saya: alhamdulillah, makin sihat 😂

    1. haha.. Normally org jwb mcm tu.. But kalau mood tak ok, mmg sarkastik jawapan yg diberi.. hehe

  14. Kadang-kadang Siqah tak tahu nak jawab apa kalau orang tanya begitu. Hehe.

    Biasa Siqah jawab, "okay, makin sihat" 😆 sebab itu yang jelas nyata nampak sekali. Hihi
