Chapter 48: I'm Getting Married...?!

Saturday, June 3, 2017

"Mashu, bila mashu nak kahwin..?
"Hah..? Kenapa..?"
"Mashu ni nak kahwin ke tak nak?"
"Eh, mesti lah nak.."
"Hah, habis tu bila mashu nak kahwin..? Mashu nak kahwin dengan siapa nanti..?"
I had received those questions by my nephew, recently while waiting for iftar.. We were both laying up on a bed, when he suddenly popped out with that sudden question.. Well, I had been receiving those kind of questions lately from almost everyone, since I was the only unmarried child left, but receiving the question, from this kid..? the one whom is only 6 years old..? I couldn't brain this thing..

Well he used to point out at me at every wedding, when people asked him, whose wedding was it,. He would quietly point up his finger up to me while smiling, telling the person that I'm the one who's getting married.. Okay, I received those signal from him but to answer those question..? Boy please.. I wish marriage is as easy you expected, but the truth is, they don't... 😷

You've no idea how startled am I to hear those questions from you.. Boy, I'm sorry I've no answer for all of your questions.. All I had was a nervous laughter, to cover things up and luckily, the time helped me to escape from answering your questions.. Well, I noticed you've been looking at me meaningfully ever since then, but could you just help me with a thing..? Since you've started learning to pray, please pray for your mashu to find her mister soul.. Could you help me with that..?💕


  1. He'll definitely pray for you, mashu 😘 Soalan tidak akan pernah berakhir. Hehe. Bila nak kahwin, bila nak dapat anak, bila nak tu, bila nak nie. hehe.

    One day, you'll find your other half dear 😊 Btw, suka gambar Anis dengan anak saudara Anis. Comel.

    1. Soalan tak pernah berakhir, dari makcik2 or pakcik2 yg kepochi, I can accept it.. Dari budak kenit ni, susah sikit nak hadam.. haha..

      Insya-Allah one day.. haha.. Thanks Siqah.. 😚

  2. Omg I'm tempted to say that he is indeed a smart kid for actually brain that question. The time will come oh boy

    1. hahaha.. For someone with that age, he surely a smart boy.. hahah..😆

  3. Anak buah Mai lagi la, dia cakap 'Tak sabar aunty kawin, saya nak makan kek kawin tu sebab kita kan family'. Semuanya sebab pergi wedding kawan, dia nak makan kek pengantin tapi mana boleh kan family je makan, dia pandang je bebudak yg family tuan rumah tu bedal kek, hahaha sian...rupanya dia simpan dalam hati dia nak balas masa wedding aunty dia, habeslahh kek daku. haha

  4. Anak buah mai pula cakap "Tak sabar aunty nak kawin, saya nak makan kek tu sebab kita kan family." Hahaha. Kek kawin jugak aim dia :P

    1. Bebudak kan, mesti nak kek as their target.. 😆

  5. eee geram kita, comelnyaaaa ur nephew.
    mesti dia taksabar nak tengok mashu kawen. hehhee

    1. Sangat.. He's been pointing up at me since last year...😆

  6. Tajuk tu gempak kot. Ingat betul2 dah. Hehe. InsyaAllah anis, u'll meet the right person at the very right time. Kak ana doakan semoga Anis berjumpa dengan jodoh yang terbaik. Amin.

    1. Tajuk tu sebab anak buah anis tu selalu bgtau org anis yg kahwin... hahahah.. Amin kak.. Insya-Allah, one fine day..💕

  7. whatta comeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel XD

    me also would pray you would meet the other part of you as soon (but on the right timing too!)

    1. hahahahhaha.. Thank youuuuu..! Gonna pray for you too..! But let's get married to the right guy on the right time.. 💕

  8. Replies
    1. Insya-Allah, one day.. Ahhum.. But I think you'll get married first..😆

  9. hahaha.. Dengan relaks dia tanya..

    Amin.. Thank cik Epal.. 😍

  10. Doa kanak2 cepat termakbul tau, suruh anak saudara doakan bila2 masa. tetiba mr soul pun datang..wahhh....heee

    1. Fuh fuh... Tetiba rasa nak suruh dia doa sekarang.. hahahahah..

  11. suruh anak2 buah doa cepat2 kawin. budak2 makbul juga doa mereka

  12. Bila baca tajuk ingatkan Hanis nak kahwin dah...
    Semoga bertemu jodohnya.
    In Sha Allah.

    1. Tajuk je gempak kak.. hehe.. Amin.. Insya-Allah kak..

  13. Hahah baru2 ni ada video baru pasal soalan2 maut masa hari raya. Dah tengok?

    1. The one yg "kalau tersedak minum air, tak sempat nak taubat macam mana..?" hahahahhaa

  14. Dia punya tajuk tu gempak habis ingatkan nak naik pelamin dah 😆 haha. Nasib baik my niece kecik lagi so memang takde soalan tu dari anak sedara.
    By the way, cantiknya gambar tu.

    1. Hahaha.. Tajuk kena gempak sikit... Haha.. That question akan kluar but not from your niece la.. Hahaha...

      Thanks... That's the only proper picture of us..

  15. Hahahaha.. Tu kalau buat mcm tu, mau kena tikam dgn makcik tu.. 😂😂😂😂

  16. Ask him to pray for me too mashu, pleasee? Hihi.
    Anyway I got sick of those questions too and also sick of searching for the right one that I don't even care if I ended up being alone for all my life now, I go for 'kalau ada, ada lah, kalau takda pon takpe' ;)

    1. Insya-Allah will do.. hahaha.. Well I don't care of searching.. And yup, ade jodoh, ade.. takde, anggap je la belum smpai seru.. hahaha
