Cinephile: Fabricated City [2017]

Friday, April 21, 2017

Assalammualaikum.. Semester 5 had been killing my soul as I barely had time to catch the cinema.. Believe it or not, I've only watch 3 movies this year; XXX: Return of Xander Cage, Beauty and The Beast (I'm not going to do any review on this since I'm late but I love it..!) and the latest, a korean movie which I'm going to write the review today, Fabricated City..! 

Ji Chang-Wook, Shim Eun-kyung, Ahn Jae-hong, Kim Min-kyo, Kim Ki-cheon, Oh Jung-se, 
Kim Sang-ho, Lee Ha-nui
Kwon Yoo was unemployed but he's the captain in the virtual world. However, due to an unexpected incident, he was then framed for a murder.  With the help of his gaming buddies, unified by Mr.Hairy, they try to uncover the truth about this murder case.

Double thumbs up for this movie..! This movie had been playing with my nerve and emotions right from the start till the end.. There were laughter and tears, anxious and anger, everything was mixed in one movie..A friend of mine told me that this movie is somehow similar Fast and Furious okay I've not watched any of the series so I'm not sure about this but if you're a gamer, or an action-series lover, and psyco-path genre lover, this movie is just for you.. 

I cried at the part where Kwon was struggling to defend himself from the prisoners whom were bullying him, and then he was informed that his mother had committed a suicide but actually, she was killed due to her fight for her son's injustice.. 😭 

I loved the part where everyone was shocked to know that Mr.Hairy was actually a girl, a genius hacker, and it was funny to know that she would only talk through phone, although when they're gathering at one place.. Oh wait, every scene of Kwon's gaming buddies provides the best laughter actually as each of them had their own "crazy" character.. 😂

Self Rating:★★★★★
Yes I love it so much, and definitely one of the best Korean action movie ever.. So go and watch it in the cinema, now..! 💕


  1. JI CHANG WOOK! JI CHANG WOOK!! Siqah tak tengok lagi filem ni. Plan nak pergi cinema tapi dah ada kat website. Tapi nak tengok puas mesti pergi cinema kan. Lagipun nak tengok JCW yang handsome <3

    5 stars tu!! Will definitely watch it :)

    1. I'd advice tengok kat wayang dulu sebab dia serius ohsem sangat.. haha.. Anis pun baru perasan yang dah ada kat website but for satisfaction, tengok la kat cinema sebab serius worthy sangat.. xD

  2. Haaaa~ baru je tgk list movie dkt TGV website hari tue . Ada ajak gengmakan nadia ( siqah salah sorang nye ) . Sekali tgh nak tgk drama korea nampak ada dkt website . Nadia tgk sikit . Kesian masa tgk awal2 sbb dia di tuduh rape one girl kan . Tapiii serious mcm gelap dalam website soooo~ since hanis fah review best , mcm kena gie ajak dorang tgk jugak jeeee~

    1. hahahah.. honestly, Anis semalam balik baru perasan ada kat web and terus download, but then bila tengok, kepuasan dekat wayang tu sangat lain.. haha

  3. Believe or not, kak ana dah 5-6 tahun tak masuk wayang. Sedihnya hidup. Hahaha

    1. hahaha.. Takpe akak tak tengok wayang, banyak berjalan.. hihi

  4. whoaaa ji chang wook <3
    baca review nie serius rasa nak pergi tengok sekarang T^T

    1. Go BV.. This is top in my list of 2017 for now.. Serius best.. XD

  5. Setiap entry Anis memang puas membacanya.
    Jom, to the cinema. Who knows.

  6. Maybe I should watch this movie since I quite in love with action movies! :')

  7. i also barely watch movies this lately. last korean movie i watched is thieves. maybe can add this one in my list.

    1. I've not watch Thieves yet so maybe I could add it in my list.. hihi

  8. Haha.. Cerita ni more on action and psychopath which is interesting enough for me.. hehe..

  9. Yeah!! Thumbs up..
    Sha pun suka sangat Cite nie.. ji Chang Wook memang ohsem..
    Owh ya.. tak sama lain dengan fast furious.. for me la, memang berbeza..

    1. cite ni mmg best.. haha.. Kawan yang cakap sama so anis tak tau sangat.. hehe

  10. Haritu masa tengok FF8, ada keluar trailer fabricated city ni. Teringin nak tengok! Baca your review ni macam syokkkk aje. Hehe

    1. Try la tengok.. For me, it's a thumbs up la.. ehehe

  11. wahhhh mcm best je ni smpi nangis2 gitu ;-)

    1. Dia ade mixed emotions so for me, sangat best.. hehe
