CINEPHILE: Ongoing K-Dramas, Anyone..?

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Assalammualaikum.. Okay, I know I've been procrastinating a lot lately.. Ever since I'm back from Terengganu, my mind had been extra miserable.. I'm here, almost all of the time, and yet, I'm not passionate to do anything.. I was in a mad situation of confusing feelings between normal crush and or real feelings (Chapter 46), then the school practicum started and the facts that I'm not living with my housemates (Chapter 45) wrecked my emotions..

To fix my emotions, I had been entertaining myself throughout this school holiday by occupying myself with the ongoing K-dramas and I was thinking, why not if I suggest it to you guys, right..? Well at least, my blog is filled with something.. 😁

📺 Suspicious Partner
Synopsis: Bong-Hee (Nam Ji-Hyun) was judicial apprentice . One day, she caught her boyfriend Hee-Joon (Chansung), whom whom also her colleague, cheated on her with her classmate. Hurted to know the fact, she promised him that she would sleep with the next man she bumps into, Noh Ji-Wook (Ji Chang-Wook). However, she was too drunk and she's unsure if she did had the one night stand with him or not. Ji-Wook  whom was one of the best prosecutor, then became her leader of her training. However, everything became a mess when she was then accused of killing Hee-Joon, whom was found dead in her house while she was not home.

Currently in episode 20 out of 40 episodes..
To be honest, this would be the first drama of Ji Chang-Wook that I watched.. I had fallen in love with his acting in Fabricated City and this drama made me love him even more.. His gloomy past made him to be charismatic and cool, but , as the time past by, he became a lil bit childish without his realization..  Meanwhile, Nam Ji-Hyun had became one of my favorable actress since I watched her acting in Shopaholic Louis so when this two duo were combined, how could I ignore them..? 😍

📺 Fight For My Way
Synopsis: A story of four best friends, Choi Ae-Ra (Kim Ji-Won), Ko Dong-Man (Park Seo Joon), Kim Joo-man (Ahn Jae-hong) and Baek Seol-hee (Song Ha-yoon) struggled in their journey of adulthood.

Currently in episode 6 out of 16 episodes..
This drama is still fresh and so far, I'm loving it for it's lightness of storyline.. The main characters were divided in two pairs, one struggles in maintaining a relationship that had been ongoing for years, meanwhile the other pair had been struggling in chasing their dreams while believing that they could never be more than a best friend, somehow, they just care about each other, not realizing that love exist between them.. 

📺The Best Hit / Hit The Top
Synopsis: Yoo Hyun-Jae (Yoon Si-Yoon) is a member of a popular idol group. He has a lot of fans and he is a scandal maker. Meanwhile, Lee Ji-Hoon (Kim Min-Jae) is an aspiring singer. He pretends to be studying for his civil servant exam, but he is actually struggling to become an idol.

currently on episode 6 out of 32 episodes..
To be honest, it's quite hard for me to describe this drama since there's a bit of time travel in this drama. It might be confusing at first but trust me, you will slowly get the relationship between the two main character.. One thing that is promising, it provides good laughter as it's a time travel to the future, which you know, it would be confusing for the people in the past, whom had no idea the future, to cope with current modernization.. Oh yes,shout out to Lee Kwang Soo lovers..! He appeared as the cameo in this drama.. 😋

P/s: Changing my template for a change of spirit and it works, I guess.?


  1. I never watched k drama.
    Why not i give a try.

    1. I think K drama is more enjoyable than our cliche-repetitive genre drama..

    2. Saya bimbang ketagih. I hv seee ohters yg ketagih.

    3. Well that's the risk of watching korean drama.. They might be addictive.. Hehe

  2. Huhu why Kdrama skrg banyak jadi 30+episodes eh?

    1. one episode only for 30 mins, that's why banyak

    2. Anis Nabilah already answered it for you.. hahaha

  3. suka juga tengok suspicious partner tu

  4. drama circle pun best jugak ^^

    1. It's in my to watch list.. Already downloaded it but haven't had the time to catch up with it.. XD

  5. need to put everything in my watch list of kdrama. :D

  6. Currently watching Fight For My Way and I am in loveeeee. I just don't like the idea of having to wait for an entire week for every episode to show up. >_<

    1. I hate the fact that I need to wait for the entire week too..! I used to be the ones whom will just wait for the series to be completed and re-run all at the same time but then it's not really fun to do so anymore, since I felt like I'm outdated by doing so.. haha

  7. I feels like Ji Chang Wook looks so freaking himself in Suspicious Partner XD I dont know, maybe because his previous drama/film usually heavy

    1. Hahahaha... I guess his previous heavy role made me not interested to watch any of his drama before ..

  8. Ohhh ANis, please tengoklah drama Healer lakonan Ji Chang Wook. Lagi akan buat Anis jatuh cinta nanti <3

    Siqah tengah tengok Suspicous Partner dan FIght for my way.

    SP - mula-mula ceritanya macam boring je, tengok sebab JCW dan tak minat sangat dengan heroin, tapi suka dengan 2nd hero dan pak cik tua yang selalu berlakon jahat tu. dalam cerita n, comel pulak watak dia. haha. Makin lama, cerita SP makin interesting. Mamat pysho tu, oii seram!!

    FFMW - Comel dan suka both pelakon utama =)

    Tak tengok The Ruler - Owner of the Mask ke? Or maybe anis not into drama historical?

    Siqah berminat pulak nak tengok The Best Hit. Nampak pelakon menarik semuanya.. Hihi

    1. Anis ade healer in list but belum ada masa nak tengok lg rasanya.. Memula tu mmg rasa cam tak menarik tp lama2 best kannn ... Psycho tu serius menyeramkan..

      The ruler..? Anis kureng sikit historical drama sbb most of them mcm heavy.. Hehe..

      The best tu memula tengok, anis macam apeni... Tapi lama2 suka sbb dia boleh buat anis gelak gila2... 😆

    2. The Best Hit dah masuk dalam list to watch =D

  9. Layan K-Drama memang best..

    Feel dia lain berbanding M-Drama

    1. Feel lain maybe sbb M-drama lack of idea and they need to stick with islamic guidance.. So they can't make something out of box.. Maybe la.. Hehe

  10. try to watch kdrama, but my korean boss detected me watching in office!

  11. Hahaha.. Don't watch it at the office..

  12. Salam Ramadan. Salam singgah sini.

    Sekarang saya tengah addict nak tonton drama Queen for seven days. =)


    1. Salam ramadhan sis and thanks sudi singgah sini... Hehe..

      Queen for seven days?okay that title seems new to me... Belum tayang lg kan..?

  13. Nice header Anis.

    Haish! apsal satu pun K-drama yang Anis list tu Mrs.A tak tengok hurm... time airing kat TV tak sesuai kot for me.

    Sekarang Mrs. A layan K-Drama My Sassy Girl

    1. header buat sendiri je tu sis.. Main cincai je design.. haha..

      My sassy girl tu macam menarik jugak tp tak sempat lg nak download.. Anis tak tengok kat tv pun Mrs.A.. Download je biasa.. hehe

  14. So addicted to korean shows my cucu sometimes entertain me with korean songs that she has learnt to sing.

    1. Kids nowadays were exposed too fast.. But it's a good thing you cucu used it to get attached to you.. Hehe

  15. Fatina suka tengok Fight for my way! Sebab macam Anis cakap ada 2 character yang membawa jalan cerita yang berbeza. Makin lama makin seronok jugak ceritanya :)

    Anyway, Anis this is my new blog link tau - ☺️

    1. Fight to my way tu mcm love story in two different dimension.. Hehe..

      Noted with your new blog.. :D

    2. Agree with this too~ mmg suka lah relationship dorang. Paling comel masing2 suka sama suka tapi tak confess but now dorang dah confess kan . Awww~ cute!!!

    3. Diorg dah confess? Alaaaa!! Anis dah missed few episodes.. Will try to catch them up asap..! hehe

  16. Skrg akk tgh layan drama Weighlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo.

    Yg fight fo my way tu ramai layan kan. Next drama maybe.huu

    1. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo is one of my favourites...! You should try strong woman do bong soon too.. Hehe..

  17. I want to see tht suspicous prtner.! Cam best tu tp tu la nnti tkut leka lak😅

    1. Hahaha.. Dia memang akan a bit leka at first, to catch them up but it's better to watch while it's still on hype, and at least kalau leka pun, sekejap je.. hehe

  18. Nadia rasa Nadia dah lama tak singgah sini. Sorry. And yea I notice you change template for your blog. Nice dear .

    Nadia pun tgh tgk drama suspicious partner , fight my way and two more drama : lookout and ruler master of the mask . <3

    1. Eh takpe Nadiah.. Anis pun dah jarang update sbb busy.. hehe

    2. oh ye ke dah lama tak update tgk ada je Anis new entry =)

  19. I do want to watch 'suspicious partner' since I never watch ji chang wook acting too but to find out that the total episodes are more than 20, ermm takpe lah haha.
    I love the casts in both 'fight my way' and 'the best shot' but still don't have time to watch the dramas. I will while I'm on eid holiday now huhu

    1. Actually, it's still 20.. Dia jd 40 sebab dia setengah jam satu episode.. hehe.. You should give both of them a shot..!

  20. Naww.. Yes ni antara yg wajib tengok..!

  21. SIqah suka lah blog header Anis. Cantik <3

    1. Eh eh.. Main try and error tu je Siqah.. Gatal main brush kat photoshop.. hehe..
