Chapter 20: Move On

Friday, February 3, 2017

Move on... It's the most basic, simplest advice for a person whom suffered a broken heart.. As the matter of fact, it was the only thing they could say, followed with the reasons of why that person should move on and normally, they would just list out the faults that the "heart-breaker" had made... 
"All you need to do is to move on.. (He/she) don't deserve you at all.. Why would you cry over someone that had made you like this? That person had (listing all the stuff that could be count as mistakes)... Forget the person.. You deserve a much more better person..Just.. move... on...  okay?"
And then the person would slowly stop crying, and agree to move on.. Look at how easy the word could calm a person.. But here's a quick question..
If your feeling was real, would it be easy for you to move on?
People might say, as long as you could live out your life, it means you have move on.. But have they thought about the memories that remains, the silent cries that you had, the emptiness that you had hid behind the 'I am happy with my life' soul? 
"Why bother thinking about someone whom don't even deserve your love..? That person had move on, so should you..! Open your heart to someone else.. Who knows you might be able to move on.."
Well,it's not that you chose to be trapped in this moving on game.. It's a feeling which could not be controlled by  anyone.. Just believe in faith and destiny, no one knows what Allah has kept for us.. Right? 
"Just try to be with anyone, at least someone.. That's the easiest way to move on.."
Using anyone in order to move on from someone, don't you feel that's a selfish act for you to do? What if you won't be able to love that person till the end, won't you feel the guilt? 

It's not easy to move on, and I would never ask someone to move on.. I would only advice the person to slowly accept the reality and live your life to the fullest, prove to the person that leaving you was the biggest mistake he/she had made..  
It's been 5 years for me and I am still not able to move on from the past.. But looking forward to the future while reminiscing the memories, they gave me strength to face the challenges..  And again, always have faith in Allah... 😉
Nota kaki: It's only a opinion of mine afterall.. Feel free to share your thoughts, probably it would help me to think in a better way.. 😊

written by;
-Flavnesz @ Chapters-


  1. I've been in that broken heart state once and yes, it was so hard to move on since it was the first time my feelings was real. But I did anyway. Just let the time help you heal :)

    Does cannot move on with recent tv drama counts as having a broken heart? Teehee XD

    1. Well, it happpened to me once, the real feeling, but it's enough for me to stop bothering about finding a new one.. Which is why I don't feel I'm fully move on, just accepting the reality.. haha..

      Well, I guess that counts too.. hahahaha

  2. i agree with u..after all the memories always remain but we should move on for our own sake.Never stick to the past instead created our own future for the happy living dunya wal akhirah.gituhh..hehe

    1. yes indeed... We live the life and we move on to the sake of the future just not move on for the sake of the love.. it's just how our term of moving on applies.. tu je.. :D

  3. Seperti biasa, anis sentiasa post topik yang menarik :) Siqah suka post ni. Move on ~ senang nak cakap tapi susah nak buat. Kena kuatkan semangat, hati, fikiran, agar semuanya boleh seiring untuk move on.

    Masa silam membentuk kita menjadi lebih kuat hari ni. Tak perlu dilupakan masa silam, cukuplah dijadikan pengajaran <3

    1. hee thanks Siqah.. Anis tulis apa yang anis rasa, the feelings that crossed into my mind.. tu je.. hehe..
      Yes, tak senang nak move on but gunakan benda tu untuk jadi lebih kuat.. :3

  4. agree.
    susahnya move on kita sendiri je la tahu. T^T

  5. You're right. I also thought that using someone else to move on is a selfish act. We should always be honest, no matter in what condition, especially when we're building a new relationship. I can't move on easily too. Kind of jealous to them who can do it quickly (e.g. the girl who broke up with her boyfriend yesterday and hangout with a new one today, hahaha)

    1. hahahha.. I don't get it when people could move on easily.. I would be like, "seriously?!"

  6. You're right. I also thought that using someone else to move on is a selfish act. We should always be honest, no matter in what condition, especially when we're building a new relationship. I can't move on easily too. Kind of jealous to them who can do it quickly (e.g. the girl who broke up with her boyfriend yesterday and hangout with a new one today, hahaha)

    1. okay i just notice i approved this twice.. haha

  7. I think that some people define 'move on' differently ._. for me, move on does not mean you have to forget ._. it does not meant you have to hate that particular person, the memories and so. Be grateful because Allah has destined us to have this kind of experience, atleast we learnt something, the hurtful something.

    Hiks, my two cent. Goodluck on moving on! May Allah bless us XD

    1. well, everyone define things differently.. I have the same principle but I don't call it move on.. I guess? haha.. Thanks !

  8. Saya tak tau nak komen secara iklas sebab never move on. Saya tak pernah move on ke, move up ke or move down ke but anyone who has to move on, please be brave. Let go of those who keep weighing you down.

    Flev, kita ni akan ada move on ke tak?

    1. Letting go but keeping the memories, that might be move on but keeping the memories and hoping he/she to come back, it's not.. As for me,I'm still trying.. haha ..
      So Adam, would you?

  9. Maybe I've never been with a broken heart but there were few times I think I did something that I should not have done. It may not sound related to your post but I still would love to share my thoughts on how I move on from those feeling. Hehe.

    First of all, know that family will always have your back, no matter how you look. Some people don't share stuffs like with them but try to get closer to them so you won't feel the lose. A bit, you will move on as you know there's someone who loves you a lot.

    Make yourself busy, seriously I started doing many things that I have no idea I can do it before. Challenge yourself for something new.

    I also don't think using someone else to move on is a good idea. It is not fair to him / her. T_T

    Go go! Will pray for you :)

    1. Well, getting busy is called distracting yourself and the effect is temporary.. But thanks for your sharing, Hanis.. And Thank you for the Du'a.. <3

    2. Yepp, it was aimed to distract myself before, but I found something which is now I can say a passion throughout that step. Only then I realized, there are so many different people and things in this world that we can meet & explore. InsyAllah. :)

      You will meet the right person at the right time, ameen!

  10. hai flav. singgah sini jap. done follow flav. done put u in my bloglist . do follow me back kay. lets keep in touch ..

    1. Hai Shahril.. Thanks sudi follow and for the bloglist feature.. ! Sure we will keep in touch.. :3

  11. As for me, I always keep myself busy with the workloads and study so I don't have time to think about it anymore. So called distracting yourself and it maybe a temporary effect but it really works on me. I know it maybe only works for some individual. But no matter what it is, you need and gotta find everything it takes to help your self on moving on. People would only share how they overcome this heart broken and more things related to this. But only you know the way and answer to all this mess-of-heart-feelings. You know yourself better, don't you? I wish you goodluck on everything you do! And may you be free from everything that are holding you back.

    1. Well distracting ourselves might work, but deep inside, don't you think about her at all now? If you do, you haven't move on.. And thank you for the luck... I hope I could overcome this.. :D
